Sunday, October 26, 2008

Itty bitty = really cute!

I haven't decided what it is about human nature that makes us so attracted to small things. Kittens, puppies, doll house furniture...they get me every time. I'm considering taking up knitting just so I can fill my house with mini cable sweaters this winter.

Umm, can it get much cuter?

And I totally can't get over the tiny heirloom peppers we got from our CSA:

Mini peppers
Awwww, the wittle peppers are so cute!

And then there are the obvious small ones that are so darn cute: little babies and their oh so small clothes. Since everyone around me is coming up preggers, I figured that was a good excuse to buy another craft book, this time one for the youngins. I chose Amy Butler's Little Stitches.

Baby Booties

Darling. The pictures are just ridiculously cute, and the projects inspired, like the rest of Amy's books. All I've made so far is the booties. Not too bad, but I do have to agree with some of the reviews that say there are not enough illustrations. You actually have to read (bummer, I know). But as I've been working on patterns myself I know that the illustrations are MUCH harder than they seem, so I can't blame them too much for being a little sparse.

Overall, I'd say go for this book as there is always room for a little more itty bitty cuteness!


  1. hello!
    you could tell me if this book (Amy Butler's Little Stitches) brings the pattern (or mould)?

    I love your work! congratulations!

    obs.: sorry, but my english is not good... =)


  2. Hi Gi,

    Yes, the patterns are included. The patterns are full size. They are in an envelope at the front of the book. This book is similar to "In Stitches" also by Amy Butler.

